BT41 3DB Postcode Analysis - Map, Properties, Safety, Amenities, Sales, Census, Nearby places

✅ Facts Checked By Data Team - Article By Paul Hyland & Reviewed By Mary Byrne

This comprehensive article covers the CF63 1AD postcode; here, we will view the range of available properties. Furthermore, we explore Nearby places, Amenities, Companies, Work areas, Schools, and many more data points that contribute to the overall livability of the postcode area. We also cover a list of influential people who live in the postcode BT41 3DB.

Our Property sales data offers insights into market trends and investment opportunities, allowing you to make informed decisions. By incorporating census information and our calculated livability index, we strive to aid potential residents and investors in their choices.


  1. BT41 3DB postcode is an active postcode that comes under BT Postcode Area, BT41 Postcode District, and BT41 3 Postcode Sector.
  2. Geo coordinates for the postcode centre are [54.753, -6.326].
  3. The postcode has a population of 22 with over 7 households.
  4. The postcode has 7 properties located in its vicinity.
  5. The Nearest School is Randalstown Central Primary School at 408.96 metres.
  6. The Nearest Police Station to BT41 3DB postcode is Antrim Police Station at 7.91 km.
  7. If you have witnessed or been a victim of a crime near BT41 3DB Postcode, report a crime to Northern Ireland Police.






Northern Ireland


Northern Ireland

Crime Map Of BT41 3DB Postcode

Get directions to CF63 1AD using the map below, or view crimes in the area. Each red marker on the map shows areas of reported crime. Click on any tag to view the number of reported crimes.

Postcode BT41 3DB Details

Geography & Location Info

Latitude 54.75269
Longitude -6.32578
Northing 548337
Easting 121765
Altitude 46 Meters
Grid Reference NW217483
Plus Code 9C6MQM3F+3M
Distance To Sea 18.01 mi

History & Statistics

Last Updated September 2023
Introduced On 1984-12-01
Mail Received Low (Less Than 25 Mail per day)
Postcode Range Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean

Census Demographics

Rural / Urban N/A
Total Population 22
Total Households 7
Census Output Area N00000050
Built Up Area N/A
Built Up Sub-Division N/A
Lower Layer Super Output Area Drumanaway
Middle Layer Super Output Area (pseudo) Northern Ireland

Administrative Area Info

Ward Cranfield
Parish N/A
District Antrim and Newtownabbey
Constituency South Antrim
County N/A
Local Authority N/A
Region Northern Ireland
Country Northern Ireland
ITL Level 2 Northern Ireland
ITL Level 3 Antrim and Newtownabbey

Companies Near
BT41 3DB

9 Marald Court, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 3BD

6 Portglenone Road, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 3BE

2 Neillsbrook Park, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 3BG

Top Influential People Who Lives In / Near BT41 3DB


CAREY, Thomas Solicitor

28a, Portglenone Road, Randalstown, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 3BE


ADIELE, Akachukwu Saviour Nurse

9, Marald Court, Randalstown, Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 3BD


JONES, Alan Montgomery Chartered Architect

6 Portglenone Road, Randalstown, Co Antrim, BT41 3BE

All Properties in BT41 3DB

View list of all properties in BT41 3DB postcode below. Click on the View All Sales Price link to get insights on the sales price of the property. Navigate by clicking on the property links and access detailed information on each property.

Nearby Postcodes

Postcode Distance (in metres)
BT41 3BH 69.34
BT41 3BE 122.70
BT41 3EG 165.46
BT41 3EA 181.74
BT41 3BG 185.28
BT41 3NF 192.78
BT41 3FL 203.00
BT41 3BJ 217.94
BT41 3JX 245.52
BT41 3BQ 251.62 © 2023. All rights reserved.